My current crisis revolves around two things: scheduling and reading levels.
My past experience is working with students anywhere from two grade levels below reading level up to students comprehending reading material at a high school level. My classroom library, with its shelves upon shelves of books, is tailored to those student's needs. I chose and purchased nearly every book I have. I've always loved the book area in our room, and so have the kids.
I'm just barely into assessing my current student's reading levels, but I'm finding that what once worked will no longer do. This group of kiddos is anywhere from beginning reading to about fifth grade. Most of the books in my room aren't appropriate for them. It's time for a complete overhaul! Luckily, there is a book warehouse nearby that gives away books to teachers. This weekend I will be getting up before the crack of dawn to trek over and haul back as many books as my bags and boxes and helpers can carry! I'll sort through what I have that's just too much of a stretch for my new readers and replace those texts with books that will help them grow. There's just no other option.
The second conundrum is a little more tricky. With the 120 minutes I have with each class, I'm finding it difficult to fit in everything I need to do for my students with the things I am expected to do in the district. One particularly strange thing here is the absence of a spelling program and lack of time to focus on word work. I think these kids would benefit from Words Their Way, so although I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pull it all together along with the required Daily 5 (which I am already heavily modifying) and the necessary time for writing. I have a plan forming, but I won't know how well it will work until after I finish the reading assessments and have time to begin some spelling assessments. I'm hoping to have that up and running by the end of next week, so I'll go into that more then.
I'm learning quickly that teaching in a departmentalized classroom means a lot more structure! Even though I'm only teaching reading, writing, and social studies, there isn't much give in the schedule so I really have to be on my toes. This means spending a lot of time evaluating my teaching and rethinking what I'm doing. Believe it or not, I'm really enjoying all the problem solving involved!
Last week we spent most of our time delving into poetry. I'll take some pictures of the amazing poetic prose they came up with when we learned about where our names came from. For now, it's time for a little sleep before I hop back into the classroom!
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