Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Learning Curve

I'm still spinning like a top through campus each day as I learn the ropes at my new school. Some days I look around and wonder how it is even possible that two schools in the same state can be so inherently different. With all new things, however, I know there is a slipper slope learning curve and I've had enough meltdowns tantrums crying fests epitomes in the last two and a half weeks to feel like I'm standing on firmer ground.

My current crisis revolves around two things: scheduling and reading levels.

My past experience is working with students anywhere from two grade levels below reading level up to students comprehending reading material at a high school level. My classroom library, with its shelves upon shelves of books, is tailored to those student's needs. I chose and purchased nearly every book I have. I've always loved the book area in our room, and so have the kids.

I'm just barely into assessing my current student's reading levels, but I'm finding that what once worked will no longer do. This group of kiddos is anywhere from beginning reading to about fifth grade. Most of the books in my room aren't appropriate for them. It's time for a complete overhaul! Luckily, there is a book warehouse nearby that gives away books to teachers. This weekend I will be getting up before the crack of dawn to trek over and haul back as many books as my bags and boxes and helpers can carry! I'll sort through what I have that's just too much of a stretch for my new readers and replace those texts with books that will help them grow. There's just no other option.

The second conundrum is a little more tricky. With the 120 minutes I have with each class, I'm finding it difficult to fit in everything I need to do for my students with the things I am expected to do in the district. One particularly strange thing here is the absence of a spelling program and lack of time to focus on word work. I think these kids would benefit from Words Their Way, so although I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pull it all together along with the required Daily 5 (which I am already heavily modifying) and the necessary time for writing. I have a plan forming, but I won't know how well it will work until after I finish the reading assessments and have time to begin some spelling assessments. I'm hoping to have that up and running by the end of next week, so I'll go into that more then.

I'm learning quickly that teaching in a departmentalized classroom means a lot more structure! Even though I'm only teaching reading, writing, and social studies, there isn't much give in the schedule so I really have to be on my toes. This means spending a lot of time evaluating my teaching and rethinking what I'm doing. Believe it or not, I'm really enjoying all the problem solving involved!

Last week we spent most of our time delving into poetry. I'll take some pictures of the amazing poetic prose they came up with when we learned about where our names came from. For now, it's time for a little sleep before I hop back into the classroom!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

And we're off!

So here is how my day breaks down:

I have two classes of students, and about 120 minutes with each of them.  This year, Newbie district requires all ELA classes to use The Daily 5. Not an issue for me, I read the book a few years ago and after also reading The Book Whisperer, found a happy middle ground that uses the concepts from both books without feeling like I am spending too much time trying to perfectly extract the ideas and make them fit with my students. Lucky for me, I also won a free one year subscript to the Daily 5 website during the March Daily Slice of Life event! This resource has been extremely helpful as I prepare for the year.

Because Newbie district wanted everyone starting Daily 5 by mid-week, I really had to organize my time efficiently with both classes to make sure I was able to get in the learning experiences I felt were important while still meeting these expectations. One thing I am really thankful for at my new campus is how organized I am going to have to become in order to survive! This is a skill I really struggle with, but I know it's going to be a huge benefit for me.

Using Daily 5 this year is a little wonky, because although I only have 120 minutes with each class, we also still need to do some Social Studies learning! To make sure poor old Texas history doesn't get avoided, I've added another choice to my Daily 5 (Daily 6??) that I am calling "Reading for Research" -- this will be when they have time to read and write from nonfiction texts, and will consist mostly of Texas history research. I still want to give them time for some project based learning, and somehow I plan to find time to make this work!

We'll call my classes A and B, for simplicity. Last year I was able to do some co-teaching with a teammate, so I'm a little familiar with teaching two different groups of students. But this is my first time to be solely responsible for the progress of more than one class of students from the first day of school to the last! I love how much I have learned about my students in the one week we have shared so far.

Last week I read Young Genius: Brains to both classes, and we spent time discussing why reading and writing is so good for your brain.

This is a must-read for any classroom! They loved learning about how their brain works. :)
We also learned about multiple intelligences and learning styles. I gave all my students surveys to help them know how they learn best. Since brain-based research hasn't been a focus at this campus in the past, it was really interesting to see how they responded to this knowledge! More interesting, though, were the results from both groups. Class A consists of almost all visual right-brained learners while B is mostly kinesthetic (could have told you this before we took the survey!) and the majority of them use both sides of their brain evenly. Having this type of information will help me as I decide what type of lessons to prepare for each class.

When I introduced the Daily 5 "read to self" lesson, I learned that Class A already has much more reading stamina than Class B. In our first attempt at building stamina, A read for 8 minutes while B struggled to stay focused for 2 minutes. I think part of this may also stem from B coming in right after lunch, but they really are a highly kinesthetic group that requires a lot more moving and grooving than A. I'm going to have to work on some strategies to help B focus on their reading stamina for longer amounts of time!

On Friday, we dove into our first piece of writing. The other ELA teacher in 4th grade does something she calls "Summer T-Shirt Tales", which gives the students an opportunity to write about something they did during the summer and design a t-shirt to go with their writing. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of their work before I left on Friday, but I was impressed with their effort and their writing! I think we're going to have tons of fun writing together this year.

Next week is only a 4 day week due to Labor Day, but we have so much work to do! Okay, strike that. I have so much I want to do with them! According to Newbie district's objective guide, we'll start learning about poetry on Tuesday. Can you even guess how incredibly tickled I am to leap into poetry in the second week of school? I have several writing opportunities I want to do, but I have to keep reminding myself that although I'm introducing poetry next week, I will be teaching it all year! I don't have to shove everything I love about poetry into their minds all at once. Our school theme this year is "Celebrating the past, present, and future" because our campus has such a vibrant history in the district. Last week I found this fabulous poetry lesson over at WritingFix (so many wonderful writing lessons there!) and think it would be a great way to also talk about this history of our school, and then later move on to writing about our own histories and our family cultures. I love spending time letting them write about where their names came from and I also saw a great lesson on Pinterest called "The Best Part of Me" that will be fun to explore, as well.

I love the energy that surrounds the first few weeks of school! So many ideas, and I get a little over-psyched and try to do too many things all at once. Tomorrow I will sit down and plan out what I want poetry to look like for at least this 9 weeks. Once I see it on paper, my brain normally settles down.

I'm thankful for this three day weekend to rest and recharge -- and to work on plans and sift through all my spinning thoughts from the first week of school. Here's to a successful year for everyone!

Friday, August 31, 2012

New Year, New World

This was the first week back to school, but with a bit of a twist for me.

I'm in a brand new district (it's HUGE!), at a totally different school (the most diverse student population in the district!), and I'm no longer in a self-contained classroom (Just reading, writing, and social studies from now on, baby!).

(Feel free to throw confetti and bounce about in a mini-celebration for me. I'll wait for you to finish. It's okay, I'm excited too!)

Whew. Talk about change. And if you know anything about me, you know this: I don't do very well with big changes in my life! In fact, even though this job hop sounded perfect for me, it took many many hours of conversation with friends and family before I finally decided to accept the offer. I'm lame, folks. I like a little stability in my old age.

Lucky for me, my husband and I are carpooling the 30 minutes to work each day. My poor husband is doing a fantastic job of listening to me on our drives home from work -- I require lots of reflection time every day!

I knew leaving my school, with its focus on brain research and many freedoms in the classroom would be difficult, but I didn't anticipate how much I would feel like a foreigner in a new country!

Besides the obvious differences -- Newbie district is more than twice the size of Oldie district, my new school recently became a Title I campus, the technology resources are (far) less than ideal, the student population is incredibly diverse, and this district has some pretty stringent ideas on how a classroom should be run -- there are also many interesting nuances that I am adjusting to that create the culture on my new campus.

Although I was obviously excited to embark on this adventure in an ELA classroom, I knew things would be different. I mean, c'mon people. I am used to:

  • not wearing shoes in the classroom
  • snacks and water bottles all day
  • students working in the halls, under tables, anywhere that works for them!
  • playing music all day
  • narrative report cards
  • textbooks gathering cobwebs in the corner
  • ample technology resources - 2 computer labs, teacher laptop, Macs in the classroom, Smart Boards, classroom iPod sets...
  • freedom to teach how I want with little interference or questions about my methods
  • a general belief among coworkers that worksheets are coma-inducing time wasters
  • collaborating with a classroom of 1st grade buddies each week
  • two different schedules that we flip-flop back and forth from all year
  • student led conferences with parents twice a year
  • portfolios that go home throughout the year
  • and much, much more (including a 10 minute drive to work!)
In many ways, I spent the past 5 years feeling the freedom to try out just about any wacky idea I came up with. Some worked, some didn't, but I always knew I was free to give it a shot. My team was my family and we worked our little educatin' booties off -- including meeting weekly over the summer to continue planning for the upcoming school year. We shared professional development books and ideas and were always there for each other -- no matter what.

It's difficult to walk away from such a close family. I don't think that is something you can find in every school, though I'd like to believe it is possible to grow that type of closeness between teachers.

My new principal is 100% behind my teaching beliefs, although she did raise her eyebrows at my shoeless feet once this week! My students (all 35 of them) are sweet and polite and eager to learn ... even if I think I may befuddle their brains a bit. We're all still figuring each other out, and having a lot of fun doing it! And although my new coworkers may not yet see the sense in my unusual classroom antics, I think we've settled into a comfortable work relationship. This week at lunch, the teacher in the classroom next to mine said, "I think I heard you guys singing or chanting stuff today..." and I laughed and apologized if we were to loud. But he simply replied, "Nope, sounds like my kind of classroom."

And that, my friends, was a very good feeling.

Even though Newbie district is a little more strict in how they want me to organize my teaching time, I still have the freedom to teach what I'm supposed to teach in the way I want. This week, instead of jumping into academics like many of my coworkers, I spent a great deal of time setting up the environment with my new learners. We talked (a LOT) about what we want our room to look and feel like, we learned about how our brain works and what type of learners we are, and I set them loose in our classroom library to play with the different genres they will be reading and writing this year.

There were some moments that, quite literally, rattled my thoughts: arriving to work an hour before sunrise to find two young students seated in the dark front steps of the school, a 10-year-old student tearfully asking me to help him spell his last name before he got to the end of the lunch line, because the lunch lady keeps asking him to spell it and he doesn't know how, among other things.

I'm eager to make this new campus a home, and it's happening day by day. I know I've landed here for a reason, and if I forget amidst the chaos of finding my way in this new world, I have two groups of amazing kiddos that remind me every time we sit down to learn together.