Friday, September 3, 2010

Making a Difference

Today we were working on our "all about me" dodecahedrons.  The students write and draw something specific about themselves on each pentagon.  One of the tasks was to write and draw something "you are good at."  Typically, this is an easy one.  Who doesn't like bragging about themselves?

As I walked through the room, I came across one boy that was sitting rigidly bent over that pentagon, pencil unmoving in his hand.

"What's up?" I asked, squatting down beside him.

He quickly, and with a little exasperation, explained that he couldn't draw what he was good at.  This seemed odd, but I thought maybe he was going to be one of my guys that doesn't like to draw.  I asked why he couldn't draw it.

"Because I love to hunt, and we can't draw guns at school," he said.

"Hm," I responded, "why is that?"

His eyebrows popped up and he gave me a look of pure disbelief.

"Well, we're at school.  I thought we couldn't talk about guns at school."

His face was scrunched up like a question mark.

I asked him if he felt like he was good at hunting, and if that was what he truly loved to do.  He gave me a huge smile.

"Heck yeah!" he said, "me and my dad go out huntin' all the time!"

"Then you should draw yourself hunting, even if that means you are drawing and writing about guns."

I think his face lit up so much the room got brighter for a moment.

Is there any better reason to teach?

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